48 research outputs found

    Artificial intelligence for modeling real estate price using call detail records and hybrid machine learning approach

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    Advancement of accurate models for predicting real estate price is of utmost importance for urban development and several critical economic functions. Due to the significant uncertainties and dynamic variables, modeling real estate has been studied as complex systems. In this study, a novel machine learning method is proposed to tackle real estate modeling complexity. Call detail records (CDR) provides excellent opportunities for in-depth investigation of the mobility characterization. This study explores the CDR potential for predicting the real estate price with the aid of artificial intelligence (AI). Several essential mobility entropy factors, including dweller entropy, dweller gyration, workers’ entropy, worker gyration, dwellers’ work distance, and workers’ home distance, are used as input variables. The prediction model is developed using the machine learning method of multi-layered perceptron (MLP) trained with the evolutionary algorithm of particle swarm optimization (PSO). Model performance is evaluated using mean square error (MSE), sustainability index (SI), and Willmott’s index (WI). The proposed model showed promising results revealing that the workers’ entropy and the dwellers’ work distances directly influence the real estate price. However, the dweller gyration, dweller entropy, workers’ gyration, and the workers’ home had a minimum effect on the price. Furthermore, it is shown that the flow of activities and entropy of mobility are often associated with the regions with lower real estate prices

    Fullerén izomerek strukturális jellemzése globális topológiai gráf-invariánsokkal

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    A szerkezeti kémiában, a fullerén típusú molekulákat általában poliédereknek illetve síkbeli gráfoknak szokás tekinteni, amelyek 5- és 6-oldalú sokszögeket tartalmaznak. A fullerén molekulák topológiai szerkezetének jellemzésére egy új típusú módszert ismertetünk. A javasolt módszer a következő koncepción alapul: Első lépésben a hagyományos fullerén-gráf duális gráfját generáljuk, majd a második lépésben a duális gráf szomszédossági mátrixából kiindulva, az F(Q) globális invariánsokat származtatjuk. A C40 fullerén izomerek duális gráfjainak halmazán végzett összehasonlító vizsgálatok igazolták, hogy az F(4) topológiai index eredményesen alkalmazható az izomerek kvantitatív szerkezeti jellemzésére

    Hőkezelési Döntéstámogató Rendszer bevezetése az ISD Dunaferrnél

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    Az acélok edzési technológiájának tervezésére numerikus szimulációs rendszer kifejlesztésére és bevezetésére került sor az ISD Dunaferrnél. A Hõkezelési Döntéstámogató Rendszer az edzett munkadarabok elvárt tulajdonságegyüttesének kialakításához szükséges hõkezelési paraméterek kiválasztásához nyújt segítséget. A rendszer alkalmazhatóságát egy esettanulmányon keresztül mutatjuk b

    The Role of Urban Morphology Design on Enhancing Physical Activities and Public Health

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    Along with environmental pollutions, urban planning has been connected to public health. The research indicates that the quality of built environments plays an important role in reducing mental disorders and overall health. The structure and shape of the city are considered as one of the factors influencing happiness and health in urban communities and the type of the daily activities of citizens. The aim of this study was to promote physical activity in the main structure of the city via urban design in a way that the main form and morphology of the city can encourage citizens to move around and have physical activity within the city. Functional, physical, cultural- social, and perceptual-visual features are regarded as the most important and effective criteria in increasing physical activities in urban spaces based on literature review. The environmental quality of urban spaces and their role in the physical activities of citizens in urban spaces were assessed by using the questionnaire tool and analytical network process (ANP) of structural equation modeling. Further, the space syntax method was utilized to evaluate the role of the spatial integration of urban spaces on improving physical activities. Based on the results, the consideration of functional diversity, spatial flexibility and integration, security, and the aesthetic and visual quality of urban spaces plays an important role in improving the physical health of citizens in urban spaces. Further, more physical activities, including motivation for walking and consequently, the sense of public health and happiness, were observed in the streets having higher linkage and space syntax indexes with their surrounding texture

    Extreme learning machine-based model for solubility estimation of hydrocarbon gases in electrolyte solutions

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    Calculating hydrocarbon components solubility of natural gases is known as one of the important issues for operational works in petroleum and chemical engineering. In this work, a novel solubility estimation tool has been proposed for hydrocarbon gases—including methane, ethane, propane, and butane—in aqueous electrolyte solutions based on extreme learning machine (ELM) algorithm. Comparing the ELM outputs with a comprehensive real databank which has 1175 solubility points yielded R-squared values of 0.985 and 0.987 for training and testing phases respectively. Furthermore, the visual comparison of estimated and actual hydrocarbon solubility led to confirm the ability of proposed solubility model. Additionally, sensitivity analysis has been employed on the input variables of model to identify their impacts on hydrocarbon solubility. Such a comprehensive and reliable study can help engineers and scientists to successfully determine the important thermodynamic properties, which are key factors in optimizing and designing different industrial units such as refineries and petrochemical plants

    Városi közlekedés monitorozása közösségi média segítségével

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    A városok közlekedésének optimalizációja a mai napig megoldásra váró problémát jelent a népesen lakott területek számára. Továbbá a folyamatosan fejlődő világunkban a pontosság és a határidők betartás elengedhetetlen. Így az utazási idő, fontos információ a lakosság számára. A közlekedés finomhangolásához nagy segítség, ha tudjuk az utazások célját, a tömegek mozgását, adott időszakra levetítve. A tanulmányban a közösségi média által szolgáltatott adatokat használjuk fel, ezek megfigyelésére